A podcast for and about writers—the business side and the creative perspective—and how our life experiences intersect with our writing work. How we do it, why we do it and what keeps us going as we navigate the creative environment. Because, published or not, wildly popular or still unknown, we are all writers. ”Living the Writing Life” is a copyrighted podcast solely owned by author Nancy Christie. For more information, visit her website at www.nancychristie.com.

Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
In Conversation With ... award-winning poet Karen Schubert
Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
Karen Schubert is the author of the poetry collection The Compost Reader (Accents Publishing) and five chapbooks including Dear Youngstown (NightBallet Press), I Left My Wings on a Chair (Kent State Press) and Black Sand Beach (Kattywompus Press).
Her poetry appears most recently in Reunion: The Dallas Review, Olney Magazine, Poor Yorick, New World Writing and Read+Write: 30 Days of Poetry.
Karen has received the Wick Poetry Center Chapbook Prize and an Ohio Arts Council Individual Excellence Award and was awarded residencies at the Vermont Studio Center and Headlands Center for the Arts. She is also the Founding Director of Lit Youngstown.
For more about Karen, visit her website, or follow her on Facebook and Twitter.
In today’s conversation, we’ll discuss Karen’s work both as a poet and as the founder of Lit Youngstown, and the role writers can play in supporting the arts in their communities.
Photo Credit: Melanie Buonavolonta

Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Thoughts on writing and life for December 2021
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Just a few thoughts on the importance of remembering that, despite any failures or setbacks the past year may have held, any day spent writing is still a good day.
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Wednesday Nov 03, 2021
Thoughts on writing and life for November 2021
Wednesday Nov 03, 2021
Wednesday Nov 03, 2021
Just a few thoughts on the need to balance your writing time with much-needed downtime.
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Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
In Conversation With… award-winning author Brad Kessler
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Brad Kessler is the author of the memoir, Goat Song, as well as two critically acclaimed novels, Lick Creek and Birds in Fall, which won the Dayton Literary Peace Prize for Fiction. His latest novel is North.
He has been awarded a National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship, a Whiting, and the Rome Prize from the American Academy of Arts and Letters, and his work has appeared in the New Yorker, the Nation, the Kenyon Review, and Bomb.
For more about Brad, visit his Facebook page and his Instagram profile.
In today’s conversation, Brad and I discuss how he uses his writing to explore the topics of loss, recovery, and the need for some kind of human connection.

Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
Thoughts on writing and life for October 2021
Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
Just a few thoughts on the need to fuel your passion for writing every day, in every way that you can.
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Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
In Conversation With… award-winning author A. Piper Burgi
Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
Piper Burgi is an award-winning author of six historical novels to date, with a seventh currently in the editing stage, as well as several other books.
Her debut novel, In the Shadow of Her Majesty, was a Golden Book Award Semi-Finalist, and her women's fiction novel The Country Girl Empress—book one of the series—won the Firebird Book Award in the historical fiction category and was named “...a must-read for historical fiction fans who can appreciate imperial intrigues...” by Readers' Favorite Book Reviews.
An Air Force veteran, and military spouse, Piper is a member of the Historical Novel Society and the Independent Author Network. For more about Piper, visit her website and follow her on Facebook, LinkedIn and Goodreads.
In this conversation, we discuss how to successfully bring the past to life through fiction.

Sunday Sep 05, 2021
Thoughts on writing and life for September 2021
Sunday Sep 05, 2021
Sunday Sep 05, 2021
Just a few thoughts on the importance of learning something new—or even, perhaps, re-learning something critical that we have forgotten.
Did you enjoy this excerpt? Sign up for my newsletter, The Writing Life with Nancy Christie, and receive a free writing-related tip sheet as a bonus!

Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
In Conversation With… award-winning author Wade Rouse aka Viola Shipman
Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
Wade Rouse is an award-winning author who also writes under the pen name of Viola Shipman, his grandmother’s name, that he chose to honor the woman whose heirlooms and family stories inspire his writing.
He has written several books under that pseudonym, including The Summer Cottage, The Heirloom Garden, and his most recent, The Clover Girls, which was released May 2021. His next book, The Secret of Snow, will be published in October.
The noted humorist of four critically acclaimed memoirs, Wade’s books have been selected multiple times as Must-Reads by NBC’s Today show, featured in USA Today, The Washington Post and Chelsea Lately and chosen three times as Indie Next Picks by the nation’s independent booksellers.
His books have been translated into 20 languages and are international bestsellers. He has also written for numerous publications, including People, Coastal Living, Good Housekeeping, and Taste of Home and is a contributor to All Things Considered.
For more about Wade, visit his website and follow him on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Goodreads, YouTube and BookBub.
For information about Viola Shipman, click this link and follow her on Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, and Instagram.
In this conversation, we discuss the challenges and creative choice of writing women’s fiction as a male author.

Wednesday Aug 04, 2021
Thoughts on writing and life for August 2021
Wednesday Aug 04, 2021
Wednesday Aug 04, 2021
Just a few thoughts on why we should remain open to opportunity, even if we don’t know where following it will take us.
Did you enjoy this excerpt? Sign up for my newsletter, The Writing Life with Nancy Christie, and receive a free writing-related tip sheet as a bonus!

Friday Jul 16, 2021
In Conversation With… award-winning author Gwen Goodkin
Friday Jul 16, 2021
Friday Jul 16, 2021
Gwen Goodkin is the author of the short story collection, A Place Remote, winner of the Silver IPPY in Great Lakes - Best Regional Fiction. Her novel, The Plant, was named a finalist in the Faulkner-Wisdom Novel-in-Progress competition, and her TV pilot script, "The Plant," based on that novel was named a quarterfinalist for Cinestory's TV/Digital retreat.
Gwen has won the Folio Editor's Prize for Fiction, the John Steinbeck Award for Fiction, the Silver Prize (Short Script) for her screenplay "Winnie" in the Beverly Hills Screenplay Contest and the Eyewear Publishing's Beverly Prize for her essay collection "Mass for the Shut Ins." She has twice been nominated for a Pushcart Prize.
Gwen’s educational background includes a B.A. from Ohio Wesleyan University and an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of British Columbia, and she has also studied at the Universität Heidelberg.
But it’s her many physical addresses that are tied to today’s talk. Gwen was born and raised in Ohio, then moved to Troy, Michigan, then L.A. and now lives in Encinitas, California with her husband and daughters.
For more about Gwen, visit her website and follow her on Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Medium and Facebook.
In today’s conversation, we’ll discuss how the memories of home (both good and bad) work their way into our writing.