A podcast for and about writers—the business side and the creative perspective—and how our life experiences intersect with our writing work. How we do it, why we do it and what keeps us going as we navigate the creative environment. Because, published or not, wildly popular or still unknown, we are all writers. ”Living the Writing Life” is a copyrighted podcast solely owned by author Nancy Christie. For more information, visit her website at www.nancychristie.com.

Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
In Conversation With… award-winning novelist and poet Patricia Averbach
Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
Patricia Averbach, a native Clevelander, is the former director of The Chautauqua Writers Center in Chautauqua, New York. Her second novel, Resurrecting Rain (Antelope Press, 2020) is a finalist for Chanticleer's Somerset Award for Contemporary Fiction and a semi-finalist for Florida Writers Association Royal Palm Literary Award.
Other publications include her debut novel, Painting Bridges (Bottom Dog Press, 2013) and an award-winning poetry chapbook, Missing Persons (Ward Wood Publishing, 2013) which was cited by Times of London Literary Supplement (November 2014) as one of the best small collections of the year.
For more about Patricia, visit her website and follow her on Twitter (@pataverbach), Facebook and Goodreads.
In this conversation, we talk about the intersection of poetry and prose.

Monday Aug 03, 2020
Thoughts on writing and life for August
Monday Aug 03, 2020
Monday Aug 03, 2020
Just a few thoughts on how sometimes the smallest of accomplishments can give you the spark of hope to keep going, even if the way forward is still unclear and the result far from certain.
Did you enjoy this excerpt? Sign up for my newsletter, The Writing Life with Nancy Christie, and receive a free writing-related tip sheet as a bonus!

Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
In Conversation With… award-winning humor writer and syndicated columnist Dorothy Rosby
Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
Dorothy Rosby is a syndicated humor columnist whose work appears regularly in publications in the West and Midwest. Her column was the first place winner in this year’s National Federation of Press Women contest, Humor Column category.
She’s the author of three books of humorous essays: Alexa’s a Spy and Other Things to Worry About, Humorous Essays on the Hazards of Our Time; I Used to Think I Was Not That Bad and Then I Got to Know Me Better and I Didn’t Know You Could Make Birthday Cake from Scratch, Parenting Blunders from Cradle to Empty Nest. She’s currently working on her fourth book and hoping to give it a shorter title—something like It’s Finally Done or Best Seller.
For more about Dorothy, visit her website, or follow her on Twitter (@dorothyrosby) or Facebook.
In this conversation, we talk about the challenges and benefits of writing humor in the time of COVID.

Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
Thoughts on writing and life for July
Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
Just a few thoughts on how the overwhelming and omnipresent fears of everyday life can make it challenging to write, especially when what you are writing about isn't relevant to what is happening in the world today.
Did you enjoy this excerpt? Sign up for my newsletter, The Writing Life with Nancy Christie, and receive a free writing-related tip sheet as a bonus!

Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
In Conversation With... writer and actor Angela Palazzolo
Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
Angela Palazzolo has written more than 100 articles for local, regional, and national publications. In addition, she has composed character dialogue and created games for a children’s recipe activity book, written text for an educational publisher and copy for businesses, and created manuals for workshops. She also has published a performing arts newsletter as well as having served as an editor for various business projects.
Angela, a past president of the Columbus Chapter/Women in Communications, has been a presenter on a number of writing topics, including heightening one’s creativity. Between 1994 and 1999, she hosted an award-winning public access cable TV show titled Not for Writers Only! on community cable in Columbus, the first year co-hosting with Jo Ann Judy. She and Jo Ann also were co-producers/directors of The Columbus Writers Conference from 1993 to 1994 and Angela continued as producer/director from 1995 through 2007. Currently, Angela is involved in theatre as an actor and playwright and is a casual, but-hopes-to-become-a-more serious, short-story writer.
(Note: The "Dr. Epstein" noted in the podcast is Dr. Robert Epstein.)

Wednesday Jun 03, 2020
Thoughts on writing and life for June
Wednesday Jun 03, 2020
Wednesday Jun 03, 2020
Just a few thoughts about how real life and the writing life intersect, and how sometimes it is easier to hide behind pen and paper when reality is too hard and confusing to handle.
Did you enjoy this excerpt? Sign up for my newsletter, The Writing Life with Nancy Christie, and receive a free writing-related tip sheet as a bonus!

Friday May 22, 2020
In Conversation With… author Casey Bell
Friday May 22, 2020
Friday May 22, 2020
My guest is author Casey Bell. And he's quite a prolific author with 22 books to his credit!
To date, Casey has authored two Young Adult, three general fiction, and three non-fiction books, two short stories, one horror book, one book of poetry, five children's books, one book of collection of art, and four Word Search books.
Besides writing books, Casey is also a playwright, graphic designer, fine artist, and fashion designer. For more about Casey and his work, visit his author website, personal website and his ReadyWriter Company website. You can also follow him on Twitter and Facebook and Books to Read on Tumblr.
In this interview, Casey and I talk about his book, Essays from Dysfunctional Families: Literary Betrayal, his writing process, and the next project he's working on. Casey also shares his pathway to becoming a writer, what stimulates his creativity and what the act of writing brings into his life.